Archive for August, 2013


August 30, 2013

When I hurt my drawing hand and put off doing new comics for a few weeks that then turned into a few months , I was in the middle of some storylines with some of the titles.  As I get ready to update again starting this Monday ( Sept 2, 2013 ) I just want to remind people that they can read the last few strips on the website and refresh their memories as to what was going on with the strips.  The main titles that were in the middle of a story line was  DAWN OF TIME, CAPN’ GEEZER, SPACE REDNECKS , and GOING BATTY.  All of which can be read on the main site at BUBBAWORLD COMIX.  Just choose the archive pages for those titles on the pages.  Have fun reading why don’t ya.


August 26, 2013

I penciled in three new comic strips today and plan to ink them in just a bit after writing this here blog I tells ya.  i have six main titles that usually updated on Monday thru Saturday.  I’ve been putting off  drawing for over three months now because of an injured wrist.  I’ve started back but will still be using a wrist brace as I draw and ink.  I will only be updating three times a week.  QUICK APPLIANCE REPAIR, MISSISSIPPI SWAMP DRAGONS and DAWN OF TIME will update next week and the week after that will be CAPN’ GEEZER , SPACE REDNECKS and GOING BATTY.  Each week will alternate between the set of three titles till I get to a place where I can produce six comics a week again.  I will also be working on the Halloween specials.  A new ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER is already written and ready to be drawn and I’m about to start writing on a new TALES FROM THE APPLIANCE GRAVEYARD.  I plan to have the New TALES start on Halloween day and go on for a month with ZACK continuing afterward for another month.  Both stories should be around 30 or so strips each.  This should get me thru the holidays and give me time to have some of the regular comics done up to be ahead for a change.  Yay.

So, starting Sept 2nd check out BUBBAWORLD COMIX for new updates.  The best ding dang comics in the civilized world and beyond Mississippi too.  Also I will begin updating the wordpress archives that I have for those comics also.

Don’t forget if you’re in north/central MS that the BACKWOODS COMICS FESTIVAL is Sept 28, 2013 at the Coliseum in Louisville, MS.


August 12, 2013

Well, if you follow any of me comics and post you’ve may have noticed an absence of late.  Around three months I believe, Oh my has it been that long?  Why yes it has.  i hurt my wrist at work, my regular job not while cartooning , and now it’s very painful to draw.  It’s a stretched ligament or tendon or some such like that.  I did it to my left hand twice in a three month period but it’s completely healed as of right now.  The problem is that I did it to my right hand also.  It’s the one I draw with mostly.  I say mostly because I’m ambidextrous.  I can write and draw with both hands I have just always done my comics with me right hand.  I’ve just recently bought a sketch book to further train my left hand in drawing.  To look at the first few drawings they are actually pretty good and better than a lot of folks can draw with their normal hand.  The problem is they are not BubbaWorld quality yet.  I would not draw a comic strip with my left hand and post it as of right now.  I’m just starting back drawing again this week and I have to use a brace to be able to do that.  If you’re wondering what my doctor said…. well, I didn’t bother seeing one.  I know it’s a time heal thing and what good is it to pay some quack a lot  of money to tell me that.  My chiropractor did look at it when I went to get my back adjustment.  He has reasonable rates and I trust him more that some of the medical doctors we have around here.  The first thing I’ve drawn since starting back was a BUBBASQUATCH for the mascot and logo of the BACKWOODS COMICS FESTIVAL that I’m hosting in Louisville, MS on Sept 28, 2013… time travelers are invited and welcomed…. Take a gander at them if you will.

backwoods header 03a

bsq 002

BubbaSquatches are big hairy hominids that tend to be sighted around or near comic festivals.