Archive for the ‘comics’ Category

SUNDAY FUNNIES april 6, 2024

April 6, 2024







SUNDAY FUNNIES march 31 , 2024

March 31, 2024








April 22, 2017

So much time and so little to do…. no… strike that… now reverse it.  There we go.  Yes , there is so much to talk about, where does one begin?  THE MIDDLE!  To start at the beginning is so predictable.

My PATREON page is a good middle place to begin.  If you haven’t heard of Patreon it’s where creative types can have people support them on a monthly basis to help them to keep creating.  It’s a lovely concept.  Now if I only had some supporters there it would be even better.  I have perks for some of the tiers but the one I’m gonna focus on is the $2 a month tier.  That is such a low price and you get so much.  You will get to see the pages for the DOX graphic novel or graphic novels as I draw and produce them.  I wrote the novel years ago and just got around to publishing it a month ago….. Time has no meaning to me, which might explain why I’m always burning my biscuits…. The DOX NOVEL can be bought on my lulu page which I believe , and I’m unanimous in this, that the word DOX is being linked to it.  I’ve decided to do it in a more fun style than I was trying before.  A style that fits me a little better and is a bit more distinctive too, I believe.  Check out the Shak-a-ree … they’re a nasty bit of business I’ll tell you.

….mmmm…. one of these guys is a cyborg… I wonder how that happened?… mmmm …. Maybe you should buy the book… or join in supporting me on the Patreon and see as the pages unfold.  This sounds like so much fun, I can’t wait to draw it all.

What’s next … or previous… time has no meaning here…

BOOKS!!  I’ve been putting books out.  Links everywhere.  In no particular order… because that’s how we roll around here…  LIGHTS OUT vol. 2 is a horror comic written by my friend Landon McMinn and follows the adventures of a young boy and his teddy bear fighting the Supernatural.  He plans this to be a five part story and LIGHTS OUT vol 1 is also available cause you might want to read these in order. Both Books were illustrated by me , Andy B. CHildress.  Then there is the BUBBAWORLD COMIX OMNIBUS 2 I just put out a wee bit ago which means there is a BUBBAWORLD COMIX OMNIBUS 1 also.  They collect my six main humor titles in each book.  If you would like there is the BWC GAS GIANT: GALACTIC MAYHEM  Vol 1 and Vol 2 or the GAS GIANT PDF book that contains both of them.  Vol 1 and 2 combined are 700 pages of comicy goodness.  There’s more at my books page, even a coloring book for grown up folks.

covers collage

This pic shows 16 of the 17 books I’ve put out in the last few years.

I plan to be doing some podcasts before to long.  One will be just geeks and nerds talking comics and nerddom and geekdom.  The other one will be a comedy audio series with a bit of sci fi thrown in for good measure.  More about these later… or before… however that works out.  Until then have a Bubbatastic Day.

Oh, and keep checking on BUBBAWORLD COMIX main website for one shot gag comics.


September 5, 2016

BUBBAWORLD COMIX OMNIBUS VOL. ONE is available now online.  It collects the six main humor titles in one book. ALSO… I now have a Coloring Book for Grown Up Folks HERE for sale and a Horror Comic series LIGHTS OUT BOOK ONE of Five

I’ve been working on the New ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER book.  It’s a humor comic about , well, a zombie hunter.  It has two stories with him and his sidekick Be-elza Boo Boo the demon.  It’s been fun working on this one.  I’m also about to start working on LIGHT OUT BOOK TWO of Five.  Landon McMinn ( the writer ) has is written,  I’ve just got to start laying out pages.  I want to have it done before Pensacon in Feb.  The BUBBAWORLD COMIX OMNIBUS VOL TWO is in my computer finished.  It just needs a cover and I can put it out.  My sci fi time travel novel DOX has been written for ten years.  I originally was going to use it as a manuscript to put out a series of graphic novels but never had the time so now it’s just coming out as a VERY illustrated novel.  I will be putting 151 illustrations in it actually.  That’s four books I’m working on at one time.  I have another waiting to start as soon as I get these , or some of these, done.  I’ve just counted and didn’t even realize that I had 13 books that I’ve self published.  Mostly humor, some horror.  I’ll post a list here then I have to get back to the drawing board.  I literally will be going to the drawing board…. I’m a CARTOONIST! YAY!  Yall have a Bubbatastic day why don’t ya.

If you would like to support BWC and help me keep making comics you can buy these books
GAS GIANT 700 pages ebook PDF file (comics collection) $5
BWC OMNIBUS vol ONE 100 + page book (comics collection) $12
LIGHTS OUT book 1 of 5 Horror Comic $6
GAS GIANT vol One Hardback book (comics collection) $40
GAS GIANT vol Two Hardback book (comics collection) $40
MISFITS & MAYHEM ( Horror Comics Collection ) $20
MISFITS & MAYHEM ebook PDF file $2.50
MISFITS & MAYHEM vol 2 ( Horror Comics Collection ) $20
MISFITS & MAYHEM vol 2 ebook PDF file $2.50

There are other books on my lulu store page but the earlier ones are contained in the GAS GIANT volumes so I didn’t post them here.  There are regular and ebook copies of each one on my lulu store page if you feel you just absolutely , positively must have them.  You can get to my lulu store page from any of the book links provided.


November 30, 2015

“I’ve just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we’ve learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn’t matter in the slightest. Pencils ready!”  Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory quote.

The only constant in the Universe is Change…. and my underwear…. and Change is coming to the BUBBAWORLD COMIX site , I tells ya.
For centuries ….. well maybe not centuries , although it feels like centuries, not that it’s a bad thing , just saying… for a long time now I have been doing six comic strip titles.  Originally when it was a paper it was six pages with each title a full page.  Then I made it four pages and each title got half a page with one title getting a full page.  Then I changed again…. I went to the interwebs.  It became a web comic.  I was updating six days a week.  That’s a lot for a web cartoonist.  A different title for each day of the week.  Then I had to take side jobs that became full time jobs and I made a new change.  I went to three updates a week, still pretty good, and did three titles one week and three titles the next week.  All this I was putting out collection books of the strips too.
Now the time for Change has come again.  Having six titles on one page makes the archives a little difficult.  I had six archive pages, one for each title, that held about ten strips each.  Then I created six wordpress sites for the full archives of each strip.  All six titles are humor strips and have one shot gag strips but each one of them has ongoing stories also.  With each title updating twice a month it’s a little hard to keep up with whats going on.  If it takes three or four strips to advance a story then you’re looking at it taking six to eight weeks to read that story while doing the same with five other titles.
Here is the Change.  I will be dropping all six titles on the BUBBAWORLD COMIX webpage and replace it with a one shot humor gag strip.  It won’t involve regular characters and will not have ongoing storylines.  Do not fear, the six original titles are not going anywhere.  They will become books.  I have a collection book that will be released in the upcoming weeks and more strips for a second collection book.  After that each title will have it’s on long base story in book form.  Around fifty pages or so which will be around a hundred strips.  Two strips per printed page.  The page count depends on how the story goes.  Hopefully I can come out with a book every couple of months and all the titles will be represented within the year.  I could never stop doing these titles, they are like my children…  they’ve just hit puberty and need to grow into something different , hopefully something better.
Two weeks and one day.  That’s how many updates of the old way will happen before the new Changes take place.  These are the last seven strips That I had written so I’m drawing them before switching over.  Until then, I’ll see ya in the funny pages.

P.S.  I will still be updating the six archive pages on wordpress with the new strips so those sites will still be active, and will announce books on those sites when the times come.


October 24, 2015

I have six main humor titles and a horror humor special.  Just how many characters do I have to keep in my head for these strips?, you ask.  As the title suggests, one hundred fifty five six at the current count.  That is not even counting things like vehicles and ships and props which at times can seem like characters also.  My archives for each strip can be found at



There’s not an archive for ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER because it will be special book releases for him, but lets take a closer look at the characters for each strip, shall we.

QUICK APPLIANCE REPAIR  — (1) Jasper Quick and his brother (2) Corky Quick.  They also sometimes double as the super heroes (3) Repairman and (4) Tool Toter.  Their parents (5) Pop and (6) Mom.  There’s the villain (7) Bubbaman they go against  when they are Repair man and Tool Toter.  (8) Blazer White Fange is their Chihuahua puppy.  Their older brother (9) Junior who occasionally will appear as his alter ego (10) the Plaid Ninja.  Another older brother (11) Thomas who is the Chief of police of their town.  By the way the name of their fictional town is Backwoods, MS.  (12) Doc S. is their Chiropractor.  (13) Blond Lady has helped Bubbaman on occasion.  (14) Elvis’ clone that live with the (15) Bigfoots , not to be confused with The King that appears in another strip… more about that when we get to that strip’s list,  (16) Doc is the name used for their family doctor and his less than plesant nurse, (17) Nurse Packer.  (18) Truckerman is one of their friends from the coffee shop.  (19) I have given an actual name to the Preacher, they just call him Preacher.  *(20) Flying Bob is a pilot that has a modified Bi-Plane named DeathTrap.  This is a good place to mention that an * preceding the name means that this character will appear in the other five main strips from time to time. Flying Bob is inspired by one of my friends just like *(21) Mingo , *(22) Ric, & *(23) Bobby are.  They are used as ‘extras’ from time to time.  Although Bobby actually got sucked into a portal to Hell in the post office and we’re not sure what became of them.  Be careful if your post office box has a suspicious number.  (24) Sha-Bu-Bu is the psychic waitress at a coffee shop.  She’s a dyslexic psychic and can foresee the past with a 33% accuracy.  (25) It-Man is a villain with his side kick (26) Name Call Boy.  *(27) Jay is another ‘extra’ character inspired by one of my friends.  (28) Moe is Corky’s cat who embodies all the personalities of all the cats I’ve ever had.  Jasper and Corky have neighbors , they are (29, 30, 31) Maw, Paw & Tiny Reddnecks.  (31) Their secretary is their cousin (32) Dawn , also inspired by a real cousin of mine.  (33) Mr. Jinkins is a repeat customer for Quick appliance repair.  Some characters that appear in this title but are numbered in another title are ( Melvin the Mailman, Kiltboy, Sophisticated Al ).  Some of the locations and things unique to this strip, The Barber Shop, their Work Shop, The Villain’s Hideout which is an abandoned van.  The repair truck , Corky’s 68 Buick Skylark, their improv group Budapest Monkey Farts and the Water Towers.  That’s a 32 count for QUICK APPLIANCE REPAIR.

Now lets take on MISSISSIPPI SWAMP DRAGONS:  (1) Herman the Psychotic Chicken and his best friend (2) Knothead the pessimistic Clown.  Herman lives with (3) Bill and (4) Bubba the Swamp Dragons.  There’s Knothead’s dog, (5) Speedbump and countless numbers of (6) Nuns that Herman torments.  (7) Fuzzywhat is a little furry thing that showed up thru the dimensional rift behind Herman’s boots in his closet.  He decided to step thru just seconds before it closed so he’s here for good now.  (8) there’s the Robot that Herman made out of junk.  It’s no longer bent on the destruction of mankind.  (9) T.R. is the name of Knothead’s rabbit from his magic show.  It’s short for Traumatized Rabbit.  Those of you that remember the “hat out of the rabbit” magic trick will understand why he’s so traumatized.  There is the Feng Shuy Coffee Shop with it’s owner, (10) Cho Nuff.  He’s from the far East…. Arkansas… that’s about as far East as you can get before winding back up in Mississippi.  (11) Mr. Mann is the owner of The Mann’s Bookstore and can be described as a disgruntled Easy Reader type character.  (12) Mr. Mann’s Mother also helps out at the store.  Knothead has his (13) Tornado Cow, which showed up …. after a tornado.  She gives sour milk every time it clouds up and looks like it might storm.  (14) Harold the Mime is Knothead’s brother.  Herman recently got a pet cat named (15) Oscar.  (16) The Ninja Nuns are a special nun task force created because of Herman.  (17) Hershel the Swamp Dragon is much older than Bill and Bubba and has recently showed up and is staying with them.  *(18) Melvin the Mailman is often tormented by Herman and the character *(19) Kiltboy shows up from time to time with his own brand of insanity.  *(20) Emu birds tend to be around more than one would expect.  Some characters that show up from other strips or just for special occasions is * Trey, *Inky the Clown ( a real clown that’s a friend of mine, Trey is a real Trey that’s a friend of mine too.) and *Sophisticated Al.  Some interesting things about this strip is Knothead’s two story mobile home, The swamp dragon’s cave, Croquet, Herman’s 68 Buick Skylark ( not the same as Corky’s ) that he made into a flying car and sometimes it’s a time machine.  And be careful of the Kudzu… it’s a wee bit dangerous.

Now we come to the prehistoric comic strip with the redneck cavemen, DAWN OF TIME.  Of course the main two characters are (1) Bubba the Caveman and (2) Milo the ape.  Bubba’s great grandfather is (3) Paw Paw Bubba who has an ongoing feud with the (4) DoDo birds. (5) Pygmy is one of Bubba’s pets, he’s like a miniature T rex.  (6) The Professor comes up with all the modern conveniences , like bowls and such… he just hopes they don’t burn him at the stake when they confuse science for magic.  There have been female cavemen as extras in strips but only (7) Mary has been used more than once.  (8) Lt. Dum Dum and the mighty Zontar is actually one character.  A crashed tentacled alien with a puppet that he believes to be his commander.  Speaking of aliens , the Grays could count as a character and will in another title but two individual Grays are in this strip stranded after crashing their saucer.  (9) Jon and (10) Shane.  Jon eventually gets eaten by a dinosaur and Shane becomes a member of the tribe after being forgotten by his own race.  (11) The Woolly Booger…. this is an interesting character in the fact that no one living has ever seen it.  The few that have seen it are dead.  It’s interesting to have a character that you can never show.  I may have to start using him more often.   In a Flashback story we get to see Paw Paw Bubba’s grandfather (12) Pappy Bubba.  What’s a tribe of cavemen without a (13) Chief?  (14) Woolly Mammoths and (15) the Ape Council.  Then we have the (16) Old Hag Witch Lady… that’s actually her name.  She once said that her father was a cruel cruel man.  (17) Seymour is a Sabertooth Cat and one of Bubba’s pets that he raised.  I personally had a cat by this name for over 19 years and had to one character named after him and what’s better than making him a sabertooth cat?  (18) Johnson is one of the cavemen and of course you’re gonna have (19) Dinosaurs.  (20) The Storyteller is an old caveman that , well, sits around the fire telling stories. (21 & 22) are Nomad and Nomad Jr.  They travel a lot but tend to go in circles and keep showing up.

Now we have the CAPN’ GEEZER comic strip title which is about a time traveler and his companions.  The first character would obviously be (1) Capn’ Geezer himself and then there’s (2) Bot who is his constant companion.  His main arch nemesis would be (3) Major Evil who travels around in a Port-O-Potty time machine with his minion (4) Igor.  The Capn’s longest running companion would be (5) Zoe from the 1960’s Earth.  One of the main alien races that he goes against would be a race of clones known as the (6) Zogs.  (7) The Chameleon is another alien that is a master of disguises whose travel bot is named Stroodle and looks similar to a floating toaster.  Of course there is the (8) Time Council that the Capn’ reports to.  In the future there is the Confederation Of Planets and (10) Captain Rufus J. Piddle is captain of their flagship the Galactic Mayhem with the (11) Ox bot and (12) Ensign Snerk.  This is where Capn’ Geezer got one of his main companions was from this crew.  (13 ) En Johnson more commonly known as Red Shirt.  Another villain of the Capn’s is (14) The Brain which as the name suggests is a brain in a jar type of deal.  The Brain’s assistant was (15) Lurch but the Brain may have not know his real name from calling him Buffoon so much.  More villains are (16) the Psychedelic Psychotic Cyborg Penguins of Planet X.  Major Evil’s grandfather, (17) Grandpappy Evil even showed up in a Outhouse Time  Machine.  Even though we counted the whole race of Zogs we’re gonna count the (18) Emperor Zog separate.  (19) The Gray Guardian of the Universe is unique as he’s neither a force of good or evil but one of indifference and his hat is sentient so lets count (20) The Gray Guardian’s Hat.  We have an alternate universe with alternate universe doubles for ( 21-25) A.U. Major Evil, A.U. Capn’ Geezer, A.U. Bot, A.U. Zoe , A.U. Red Shirt.  As you can guess, the Capn’ and his crew in this universe is evil where as Major Evil is good.  *(26) Clark is a unique character as he’s inspired by one of my friends but has actually become a semi regular appearing character.  (27) There’s a three eyed telepathic alien that I haven’t even given a name to or a name for his species/race but I plan on using him more later on so we will count him.  *(28) Chaos is an immensely powerful being and loony as a fruitcake and can change his form at will but so far we’ve only seen two main versions of him.  The next characters can be slightly confusing, (29) Grandma… she’s Capn’ Geezer’s sister…. she was named after their grandmother…. she hates her parents.  Her Holographic Transmogrifying Bot is named (30) Uncle.  Recently Major Evil found out his minion was a Time Council spy and has a new minion, (31) Simian Simon.  There is a space diner called the King’s Domain and it is run by (32) The King of Rock and Roll with the help of his cook and assistant (33) Billy Bubba ( Xzanqustx*7ockock’tick”pop’) .  The King is also a secret agent for the time council.  There are two other Zogs that went under cover on Earth and took the Earth names of (34) Whiskers and (35) Mr. Tiddles.  Since we never refer to Zogs by names I’m counting these two special.  This is a time travel strip so technically these other two characters have already been counted but they get counted again because we get to see them at different points in the time line at the same time so (36) Future Captain Zoe and (37) Future Red Shirt.  And yes, they are married in the future.  These next characters are real people that have appeared as companions by entering a contest but they were basically walk on roles so I’m not counting them but would like to mention them, Steve, Rusty, Danny, Katie.  Some fun things in this comic strip are, Temporal Cloned Ship, Confederation Of Planets ships the Galactic Mayhem and the Infinity, holographic Transmogrifying Bots, Diminsional Manipulation, matter Transmogrification, Orion’s Belt Bar and Lounge, Nexus Point Tower, Time Machines, Near Death Rays, Sonic Plunger, and the King’s Domain Diner.  Fun for the whole family.

Now for SPACE REDNECKS.  The Mississippi Aeronautical Space Administration sent a bunch of rednecks into space in a shuttle with a pickup bed by the name of the M.S.S. Bessie.  Now they use it as a shuttle on the M.S.S. Bessie II.  (1) Mr. Ray Bob is in charge at ground control in Houston , MS with help from (2) Sarah Bob.  (3) Space Cowboy is the pilot, (4) Skeeter is the fuel technician… which means he makes the moonshine.  (5) Bubba is in charge and the mechanics are twins by the names of (6) Jeff & (7) Mutt.  (8) Professor Bob helps with upgrades and such and (09) Mama Bubba and (10) Papa Bubba take care of (11) Lil’ Bubba , which is an elephant.  You have the (12) Gray Aliens that they tend to feud with most of the time along with the (13) Redneck Gray whose mind was damaged trying to Read Roy’s mind.  How could we forget (14) Roy of the crew…. he’s more or less is in the way more than anything and keeps Bubba riled up something fierce.  You have the (15) Greens which look a lot like the Grays only a little taller and with a dot on their fore heads, oh and they are green , too.  The (16) Space Critters are little fur balls with three eyes and antennas that have a semi hive mind and can teleport and use telepathy and telekinesis.   (17) Shane, the gray alien from the Dawn of Time strip is ancient now and Emperor of the Gray homeworld.  (18) They have just discovered the aliens by the name of (19) the Yonn-kees.  All this and their space stations look like Mobile Homes to boot.

GOING BATTY, the sixth humor title that I update online regularly I tells ya.  The main character is also where the strip gets it’s name.  Because he’s a bat.  (1) Merlin is the pet Bat for the mad scientist, (2) Doc Brown.  (3) Lil’ Frankie showed up after Doc spent the night in an Insane Asylum’s cemetery with a bottle of vodka and a chemistry set.  (4) Harry the spider is Merlin’s best friend.  Of course Merlin hates spiders.  Good thing he’s so forgetful.  Some days he forgets Harry is a spider and other days he forgets he hates spiders.  Then there are the days he doesn’t forget and has to apologize to Harry for the clubbing that ensues.  What’s a comic strip about a mad scientist without a grotesque lab assistant?   If you have a grotesque lab assistant for a mad scientist then there is only one name you can give him…. (5) Buttercup.  (6) Bill the Mummy was a nice addition to the gang along with (7) Brad and (8) Janet who wound up as prisoners in the dungeon only later to become next door neighbors only later to be living on the dirigible they all live on now while lost in the Bermuda Triangle.  (9) Al the Ghost’s full name is Aloysius but I call him Al cause I can’t spell Aloysius.  Every castle needs a (10) Dungeon Master , and even a dirigible can use one.  Dungeon Master keeps a pet piranha named (11) Spot in the drinking water jug.  Everywhere they go there tends to be an (12) Angry Mob forming to give them chase.  It may consists of different people each time but I count it as it’s own character.  (13) Fluffy the Gardener is a bit unique as he’s not a werewolf, he’s more of a wereman.  He was a wolf that Doc hit with his car and somehow he became a man.  Now that they’re in the Bermuda Triangle he is back to being a wolf.  Later I may have him in the middle as half and half to make it more interesting.  Doc Brown mad Lil’ Frankie a pet…. yes I said made… he used various parts of cats and dogs and monkeys and such and made (14) Patches.  There have been different (15) Moat Alligators all meeting with horrible ends, mainly Buttercups fault.  (16) Nigel is really a Rock and Roll Musician but everyone refers to him as the Hippie Prisoner in the Dungeon.  If he didn’t want to be confused as a Hippie Prisoner then he should not have gotten caught in a Hippie Trap.  (17) Frank… poor Frank.  What can I say about Frank.  Mainly he’s a skeleton in the dungeon that keeps the Hippie company.  “Quit ya staring, Frank”.  Most recently added to the gang is (18) John the Centaur which it turns out already had past history with Doc.  It’s actually Doc’s fault that he is a Centaur now.  Oh , and the third floor bathroom is actually a Mystical Forrest.  (EDIT) I actually let one character get past me.  Had to change the title to 156, it’s (19) Sophisticated Al who was the neighbor of Doc’s before they left in a dirigible.  S. Al is redneckish with his redneck zen garden and mobile home guest house and wears a top hat with his overalls and refers to his Massey Ferguson Tractor as his classic convertible.

Now we have ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER.  This is a strip I do as book specials and doesn’t have the history that the others do so not as many characters….yet.  (1) Zack of course is a zombie hunter but he hunts just about any supernatural type of creatures.  (2) Be’elza-Boo-Boo is his demon traveling companion that Zack has control over because he knows his anti-name.  His first (3) Assistant that didn’t really live long enough for me to come up with a name for him.  (4) The Glitter Vampire didn’t get a name either… just a stake in the heart.  (5) Zelda is also a hunter and apparently her and Zack have known each other in the past.  Zelda is no assistant though, she’s Zack’s equal and it tends to be a bit competitive between them.  (6) Nosferatu Vampires and we’re thru with this title, for now.  Except that Zack’s Zombie hunting vehicle is an Ice Cream Truck.

And there you have it.  A countdown of all the characters that I use in my main strips.  I’ve been meaning to do this for centuries.  Some people have asked me , ” How do you keep from going insane with that many characters in your head at one time.”  I’m confused by the “keep from going insane” part of the question.  I will say it probably helps to keep me from having split personalities by putting all of the characters on paper, but who really wants to be sane?  I must go now, I have a new kitten and I don’t know if I’m gonna try to get him to talk like the last cat I had or just let him be semi normal.  See ya in the funny pages.

I’m on Patreon now!

April 17, 2015

I’m on Patreon now! Oh yeah!  “What’s patreon?”, you ask.  Only the best thing ever.  If you’re familiar with Kickstarter and IndyGoGo then you have the general idea.  It’s a site where creators ( art, comics, writers, film makers , ect. ) can be supported by people from all over from $1 a month on up to whatever they feel like helping with.  Unlike Kick and Indy , Patreon is on going.  It’s for people that are going to making content whether anyone is supporting them or not.  Now you can have supporters and possibly make more content.

I’m a cartoonist.  I write and draw six humor comic strips that I put up on my webpage at BUBBAWORLD COMIX.  I’m doing this no matter what.  I’m also working on some side projects also.  Some humor, some sci fi adventure, and some horror.  Them more supporters I get on Patreon the more time I can spend on writing and drawing.  Also, if you’re a supporter of my page you get perks.  The $1 per month donations gets to restore a little more faith I have in Humanity, and they get a nifty BWC wall paper for their computing device.  The $5 a month perk gets to see the pages that I’m working on for my side projects as I finish them.  They get to read the books before they’re printed and they will not be on the web anywhere else.  The people that support with $10 a month get access to a video series that I’m calling , “Making Comics”.  It’s me with the help of my monster puppet Roscoe showing how to make comics from scratch.  Drawing tips, character development, backgrounds, lettering , panels and layouts, and eventually even self publishing.  It will be a on going series and after I get to the point of making comics and producing them then the series will evolve into me making my projects and behind the scenes as I make those projects.  Also, The higher tiers have access to the lower tier perks as well.  There is also a $15 perk that gets a Bubbaworld Comix original art Sketch Card in color mailed to you for each month that you are supporting me at the $15 tier.  You also have access to the other tiers too.

If you like the sound of this then go to my site HERE and show your support and spread the word to your friends too.  Have a Bubbatastic day and I’ll see ya in the funny pages.


November 10, 2014

I’ve been updating today, go check out my comics at my other blogs QUICK APPLIANCE REPAIR / MISSISSIPPI SWAMP DRAGONS / DAWN OF TIME  /  CAPN’ GEEZER  /  SPACE REDNECKS  /  GOING BATTY

I am also still working on the ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER special.  A humor horror thing I do from time to time.  More about that when I get it done.  See ya in the funny pages.


October 12, 2014



Just a reminder that you can get every comic I’ve done up till March of 2012 in a 2 set hard back volume.  Just click the link abover for the Bubbaworld Comix Gas Giant : Galactic Mayhem.  Soon I will be putting out a new collection book , also hardback, collecting everything since then.  All six of my main titles.  Hopefully these books will come out once a year with some special books from time to time.  The new book will be BUBBAWORLD COMIX : MOSTLY HUMOROUS .  Be sure to check it out when it’s done.

Also, I’ve been updating the archives.  Here are links to all six of the main titles so be sure to check out the updates.








September 26, 2014

Who’s got three thumbs and is currently working on a ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER humor comic special AND is putting together another hardback book collection of his comic strips.  Me , that’s who.  Oh, by the way if any of you have lost a thumb recently I think I may have found it.

First off , I do six humor title comic strips regularly at my BUBBAWORLD COMIX site and archive each one on it’s own WordPress site.  But occasionally I will do a special of sorts.  I’ve done one ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER special in the past and now I’m working on ZACK THE ZOMBIE HUNTER AND THE OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE VAMPIRE.  Fun fun fun I tells ya.  I wrote this one a while back but now I have the time to draw it.  I may write a few more stories and just release it in a hardback book instead of putting it online.  I put enough online with me other comics that you can get an idea of what I do and how I do it.

Then there’s the new collection book I’m putting together.  I could go ahead and finish it now but there are a few more CAPN’ GEEZER strips that I want to come out and be in the book so as not to chop off the end of a story arc.  This will be a collection that takes all six titles and divides them up into chapters.  It may be around 120 or 125 pages.  It will probably cost around twenty dollars which aint bad for a hardback book that size.

Each year I have been known to do a special around the Halloween time called TALES FROM THE APPLIANCE GRAVEYARD.  It usually takes the six main titles and crosses them over into a humor Halloween story.  This year will be a little different though.  Instead of doing it as an ongoing comic for a month that takes over the website I’m going to do a low budget animation on the youtubes type of thing.  It may only involve one of the titles also.  I can hardly wait to get around to doing this.  Stay tuned for more funness from the BUBBAWORLD COMIX and I’ll see ya in the funny pages.